In the last couple of months I have had the good fortune to meet some people who live and see the national art world from the front row. Directors, curators, technicians, collectors, journalists. It was really a real fortune, no matter how many different opinions, even as many different approaches, I enjoyed every single moment. After all, they are the best.
Along with these beautiful people, a sneak peek from VIVARIUM the group show of Magazzino del Sale 3 in Venice.
More photographs next month!
MARTINA CAVALLARIN Whitelightart / Scatolabianca
Io sono qui
Prendersi cura del proprio lavoro prima di chiedere agli altri di farlo
Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia
Moderators: Marotta&Russo

Below from Instagram:
Maria Chiara Valacchi, Cabinet,
Martina Gambillara, Magma Gallery
Stefano Coletto, Bevilacqua la Masa
Daniele Capra, Journalist
Marco Enrico Giacomelli, Artribune
VIVARIUM SHOW the opening